Novice criterium – Wednesday 16th October, Stromlo Forest Park

October 13, 2013

For the past few years as part of the novice program we have run the novice criterium. The aim is for new riders to have a chance to go through all the motions of riding a crit in a safe environment, before doing your first one. You will pay $5, sign your name up, pin on a number, line up for a race briefing, have a ride and then go through the finish chute. This will make your first real race a little bit less stressful and hopefully a whole lot safer.

SimonD will be running the evening, with some of the mentors and other club riders keeping you company on the track. It’ll work like this:

-We will run with 2 novice grades: A and B. Tuesday riders in the B grade and Wednesday riders in the A grade (with some flexibility).
-Each “grade” will get two short races, which means you get to both
-The first race will be very controlled and you will not be allowed to attack past the lead rider.
-The second race through will be more open and allow more tactics.


  • 5:45pm – Rego opens
  • 6:00pm – Novice B, race 1. 10 minutes plus 2
  • 6:18pm – Novice A, race 1. 10 minutes plus 2.
  • 6:36pm – Novice B, race 2. 15 minutes plus 2
  • 6:56pm – Novice A, race 2. 15 minutes plus 2.
  • 7:19pm – sunset

SuperCrits begin the following day – Thursday 17th October, Stromlo Forest Park