Following his recent successes at the Track National Championships in April, Jim Veal has now been awarded the Vikings Group Champion Award!
The Vikings Group Champion Award is designed to celebrate individual athletes, teams and volunteers, associated with the Vikings Affiliated clubs. The Vikings Group selects a Vikings Champion Award recipient each month and the winner gets a cash prize of $500.
Jim has been a member of the club since 1999 and is a key volunteer of our junior track program out at the Narrabundah Velodrome. This includes running training each Saturday, organising and running the Monday Night Track races at the Velodrome. Jim also runs a junior race clinic for club juniors at Stromlo Forest Park each Thursday afternoon developing bike handling and racing skills.
Jim is a strong advocate for inclusiveness within cycling and plays an integral role in the Club’s community engagement. As a club based on volunteers, without Jim’s involvement we would not be in position to run the programs that we do. Jim is also on the Club’s Committee and regularly volunteers his time in supporting the club and it’s members.
He is a fantastic contributor to cycling development within the ACT and has provided great support to new and ongoing ACT cycling initiatives, especially in supporting increased junior involvement within the sport.
The Vikings Group said Jim was a standout from all the nominees! The club congratulates Jim on winning this award and thank him for his continued dedication to the club and ACT juniors.